Interview with a Monkey: Part 5

Do you hate Mondays?  

No, I don’t hate Mondays.

Do you know your Chinese astrology?

I think I’m the Monkey.

Do you believe in astrology?

I don’t believe in Horoscopes so much, but then again I do like reading horoscopes sometimes. I think if you asked “Do you technically believe it’s true?” Then no. But there must be a part of me that gets something out of it.

A local independent paper does an investigative article on the last time you went out partying. What is the title?

The Disappointment.

One of your parents is hugging you, which one comes to mind first?

My Mum


Do you think that the Pope truly believes in god?

I don’t know the pope personally. Maybe he really does believe in god. He probably thinks he’s elevated above everyone else. He probably does believe in god.

Is there a question you would never answer on national television?

There’s probably lots of questions I’d be scared to answer. Probably most questions, because of my job. I influence a lot of people in my little group, in my profession. I’d be worried about getting in trouble at work If someone came up to me on the street and said “what do you think of this?” I’d probably scream and run away.

Who knows you the best?

I dunno. Probably my very, very close friends. But then again, my parents. People know different parts of you. Probably my very, very close friend [unnamed].

Do they know you well enough?

They know me quite well.

If there was a town with a population consisting entirely of clones of yourself, what sculpture/statue would you commission for the centerpiece of town?

For some reason I keep thinking of a giant, wonderful, smooth, blue, clear stone thing. It doesn’t have any meaning, it’d just be really pretty.

If each of your regrets weighed a kilogram making up your total body weight, describe your body shape?

I’d probably be just a little bit chubby.

Did you have a childhood fear?

For a while I was really scared of a Goosebumps book I read. I guess I was pretty afraid of a lot of things, like hurting myself. I would definitely have been the kind of child who was too scared of going on rides.

Would you be able to console your childhood self of what he/she was most afraid of?

Probably. Actually, definitely. I was always afraid my parents would get divorced and they didn’t. So I could be like “They don’t get divorced!”

How do you feel about the idea of experiencing giving birth to yourself?

It would probably be really beautiful. It would probably make me be so in love with myself. If you think about it, when you give birth to a child there is so much pain to go through. Going through all that, all for the love of this tiny human that you want the best for. I would probably be more loving to myself and more gentle to myself if I gave birth to myself.

Have any of your wishes ever come true?

Probably most of my wishes have come true.

If so then how did it feel when it did?

It felt really good and then it was like OK, this came true. The thing you wanted came true so quickly. If I think about it, everything I’ve ever wanted has come true. It’s kind of a scary power to have, because what do I really want to make me happy. Whatever it is, it’ll happen. So you realise the power of having all of your wishes come true and then you realise how lucky you are. But you have to be careful. On one hand I feel empowered. People who are my age, with my kind of education, with my kind of intelligence can get whatever we want. But it’s like, what do I want. It’s kind of exciting.

Do you trust your memory?

I have a really good memory. I think I trust my memory. Sometimes, my memory can be skewed because of my emotions. I’ll look back on things now and be like “that was so embarrassing”. It’ll be skewed by me or how I was feeling at that time. In that sense, then no. But the memory is still mine and correct for how I felt.

Was there a better period of history to be you?

I’ve thought about that. I used to think definitely no, because we live in a time where in terms of Australia or the Western world, we have the most rights, freedoms and power. In that respect, no. I’m quite old fashioned in some ways, so maybe I would be better in another time. I think that now is quite a great place to live. I mean we are free and can do a lot of what we want.

Which piece of technology would you ban?

It seems like an obvious one, but maybe some big weapon. There are many, but one that could end the world. Then again, maybe you should be banning certain types of pollutants.

Would you make your parents lives more successful and fulfilling at the risk that they may never met each other?

Selfishly no, because then I wouldn’t be born.

Do you want the best that life can give you?

I think so. Definitely Yes.

Do you know what your body is capable of?

I’m always pretty healthy, but I’ve never had a time where I’ve sharpened the tool that is my body to the max. Like eating really well, abstaining from things, training really hard. So, I haven’t reached the full potential of my body yet.

Do you love someone else?

Yeah, I do.

Do you love yourself?

Sometimes. In some ways. When I think about other people I love, I’m a lot more positive about them. Like, they’re going to do really well. I’m more supportive towards them, than to myself. I don’t think I love myself in that I think “OMG, you’re the best!” and stand in the mirror and say little chanting things. I don’t hate myself, I don’t want myself to die. I want myself to succeed.

If you have not loved yourself then how do you know what your love feels like for others?

Yeah, sometimes you think you might be being really great to some people but you’re being really hurtful. Sometimes, these moments where I don’t really love myself that much — can be damaging to the people around me. I’ve had times where I had not noticed it and been crashing people down in that respect.

How would you handle a diagnosis of clinical depression if you found out today?

I don’t think that I’m depressed, but sometimes my outlook is quite negative. So I think I’d be like “Oh wow, I must have very, very mild depression”. If I was diagnosed with depression. But then I’d be like “really?!” I’ve had some very sad times. But I would do anything. I wouldn’t go on any medication. If I got into any moods, I’d remind myself that this is just depression.

Is there somebody (dead or alive) that could convince you to destroy every physical thing you own?

If they had an amazing reason, then maybe. Maybe my family, because I listen to my family a lot. But then again, my friends might question why I’m doing that.

Every object has a texture that is distinguishable, if you could describe the texture of the inside of your body, how would you describe it?

Like a vibrating, nervous energy that is going in all directions.

Do you respect nature?

Yeah, I think so.

How important has nature been to the successes in your life?

In a sense, very important. You need the environment to survive, you need oxygen to breath and food to eat. In terms of the main successes that I think of, are my job and degree. It hasn’t been in nature. But, it would have affected the people I’m around and the country I live in. I’ve never thought, nature has made me who I am, but it is a big contributor. You think of living in Australia and having the air quality we have — it’s a pretty lucky thing.

Have you ever planted a tree?

I have never planted a tree.

Have you ever eaten something you grew?

Yeah, at a school garden.

Have you ever seen a landfill site, a mine, a water treatment plant, a factory floor in person?

Yep. Yep. No. I think I would have seen some factories on holidays on some sort of tour.

If the government legally changed your name into a number how would you react?

I’d be so horrified that we were in some dystopian world now. It’d be weird.

If you had to kill an emotion you experience, which emotion?

Jealousy and comparing to other people.

Do you think you are the more jealous of your friends or that one of your friends is more jealous of you than you are of anyone else?

I don’t know what other people think. People don’t really talk about their jealousy, they just think it on their own. Some people are probably really mean about their jealousy and try and bring down the other person. But, I’m not jealous in that I don’t want to take away from the things that my friends are succeeding in, but I’m also like “oh no, I’m the only person who isn’t good at things”. I always feel that people are doing better than me.

You’re in a house, it scares you, there is a particular room with a closed door that gives you the heebie jeebies. What do you do?

I might knock on the door. If there is nobody there I would just go into the room.

Someone attacks you? What do you do?

I would just start screaming as loud as I could and then suddenly just fight back.

Are you afraid of death? Why? Why not?

I’m not afraid of death. I’m more afraid of suffering than death. Because when you die it’s just over. If you’re suffering you have to live with that.

Before you enter into a potentially life threatening surgery you are given an option if in the worst case scenario, you never wake up. 1. A musician or band will play music for you 2. A poet will read you poems 3. A storyteller will tell you a story 4. Ambient sounds of nature 5. A fatherly and motherly figure will speak to you. These will all happen in the last minutes before you die. Which will you choose?

Fatherly and Motherly figure. I would just love to be with my family in my last moments. That would comfort me so much, to hear that I’m going to be ok when I die. That would be really meaningful for me. I wouldn’t feel lonely dying.

Which movie, book, piece of music would you add to early childhood curriculum?

Studio Ghibli? Those kind of things.

An old mage offers you one of three amulets, the first will protect your brain against insanity, the second will protect your spine and nervous system against permanent damage and the third will keep any relationship you are in continuing until you take it off. Which do you choose?

The one for my brain. I’d really value that.

Have you ever hated yourself more than the person you’ve hated the most?

Usually, when I hate other people, it’s really fleeting. It crumbles really quickly. Probably myself, because with everyone else I didn’t really hold onto it.

Do you ever question whether everything you experience is even real?


If part of your requirement for payment from work was to stand on a crate in the CBD and give a 30 min sermon. What would the subject be?

I feel like I wouldn’t have anything I could teach anybody else. I guess I could find out about something. It’d be fun to stand on a crate and just talk about space. “Did you know the moon has this many craters?” I don’t know any space facts.

What stops you from being political?

I think I’m getting better at expressing my political side. Although I know I have views that people would not understand. I don’t think I’d get anywhere with them. Also my job impacts it. But, I’ve done vague political things but nothing too intense. So, fear from work, fear from being getting in trouble for what I say. It depends what kind of political. It’s hard to find balance and to critically analyse things and talk about things in a way that doesn’t become inflamed and polarized.

Do you feel that people listen to you?

I think that people do listen to me, but I’m not that good at communicating. I’ve noticed that about myself. Whenever I start explaining myself I just start eating my own words up and stop. People really do listen to me though. My friends are very attentive. I’m just not that good at communicating all the time.

Do you plan on being remembered by history?

No, I haven’t thought about that.

How many people would have to attend your funeral for you to feel valued?

I guess I’d want my kids to come and hopefully all of their friends to come. I don’t really have a big family. I dunno, maybe 40.

Has an inspirational video ever made you do something?

I’d say definitely. I can’t pinpoint directly, but yeah. Just lame things, like little quotes get me. Like “If not now, when? If not you, who?” and I’m like “Yeah!”.

A part of your body decides to leave you after years of pain and suffering. Which part is it?

Probably my skin.

Out of the three which connects you back to who you are, a diary, a mirror, a memory?

A mirror.

What day of the year still makes you feel like you did as a child?

The first day back at school. I remember the feeling the excitement of a new year. Not knowing what my teachers going to be like, just getting excited to learn new things.

Interview with a Monkey: Part 4

Do you hate Mondays?  

Not anymore.

Do you know your Chinese astrology?


Do you believe in astrology?

Not really.

A local independent paper does an investigative article on the last time you went out partying. What is the title?

Young Man is Way Too Honest, With Way Too Many People.

One of your parents is hugging you, which one comes to mind first?

My Mother.

What product would you happily sell door to door?


Do you think that the Pope truly believes in god?


Is there a question you would never answer on national television?

I don’t think so.

Who knows you the best?

There are so many different ways to know a person. Maybe, if all my best friends combined as one person. Perhaps no one knows me the best. Maybe my sister.

Do they know you well enough?

Yeah. Now they do.

If there was a town with a population consisting entirely of clones of yourself, what sculpture/statue would you commission for the centerpiece of town?

Everyone looked like me? A town of “me”? Then, a statue of someone else. Just someone who isn’t me. Maybe doing some science. They’ve got a telescope in one hand looking to the sky and they’ve got a beaker.

If each of your regrets weighed a kilogram making up your total body weight, describe your body shape?

Massive chin but really skinny legs.

Did you have a childhood fear?

Losing people that I love.

Would you be able to console your childhood self of what he/she was most afraid of?


How do you feel about the idea of experiencing giving birth to yourself?

It’d have to be out of my anus. I’d think “that was futile”. Yeah, yeah I’m pushing, I’m pushing. I’m expending a lot of effort and it’s just another fucking little me. Great.

Have any of your wishes ever come true?

Once and only once.

If so then how did it feel when it did?

Really sweaty but really great.

How does it feel now?

Still really great, but less sweaty.

Do you trust your memory?

Mostly. Long term, yes. Short term partying, no.

Was there a better period of history to be you?

I think if I could have been one of the survivors of WW2 or the kids of those. No. No, no there’s a lot of racism. Fuck it, travelling bard in the middle ages. If I catch the black death or syphilis then so be it.

Which piece of technology would you ban?

I wouldn’t ban any technology. OK, maybe Donald Trump’s twitter account. That, or oil drilling technology.

Would you make your parents lives more successful and fulfilling at the risk that they may never met each other?

I think that they are very happy with the way things turned out.

Do you want the best that life can give you?

I would like to give myself the best I could give me.

Do you know what your body is capable of?

No. I mean I think we only know what our body is capable of when we are under extreme stress, like being chased by a tiger. Yeah, you can train your body to do things and I’m a believer in constant improvement and fitness. But, your body has a block that is never unblocked unless you’re being chased by a tiger.

Do you love someone else?

I love a whole heaping of people.

Do you love yourself?


If you have not loved yourself, then how do you know what your love feels like for others?

I don’t.

How would you handle a diagnosis of clinical depression if you found out today?

I’d tell everyone so they know why I hate myself. It wouldn’t change anything. Being diagnosed doesn’t change the way you feel, so you just keep going. Usually these days’ doctors prescribe drugs which I’ve seen personally affect people that are very dear to me with addiction causing pretty big issues. So, I’d always be a reluctant participant in that and I’d probably go with a more pseudoscientific route like mindfulness, meditation or something like that. Which I try to already do but I’d probably get more into it. (Interviewer note: There is a lot of scientific research behind the benefits of meditation)

Is there somebody (dead or alive) that could convince you to destroy every physical thing you own?

Sure. Jesus, Buddha, Muhammad, maybe Martin Luther King.

Every object has a texture that is distinguishable. If you could describe the texture of the inside of your body, how would you describe it?


Do you respect nature?


How important has nature been to the successes in your life?

Not important.

Have you ever planted a tree?


Have you ever eaten something you grew?


Have you ever seen a landfill site, a mine, a water treatment plant, a factory floor in person?

Yes. No. No. Yes.

If the government legally changed your name into a number, how would you react?

“Well this worked out really well the last time”.  M: But you wouldn’t do anything, you’d just make a sarcastic comment? I am a millennial.

If you had to kill an emotion you experience, which emotion?


Do you think you are the more jealous of your friends or that one of your friends is more jealous of you?

I think I’m more jealous of my friends.

You’re in a house, it scares you, there is a particular room with a closed door that gives you the heebie jeebies. What do you do?

I wait till it’s high noon. I’m talking there are lights everywhere. I grab a stick, a baseball bat or a cricket bat and I venture inside and if anything moves I fucking hit the shit out of it.

Someone attacks you? What do you do?

I fight back and ask “Why?”

Are you afraid of death? Why? Why not?

Only insomuch that I would regret not living a full life. Not using a full amount of years of life to do stuff. Not being afraid of it is not saying that I don’t care. If I died tomorrow, I’m not afraid of that. But, I don’t like the idea of not being able to get everything done that I want to do. M: So if you weren’t able to get everything done and you were overcome with a feeling that you were dying, that would scare you? No. I mean I would accept it but I would feel remorse and sadness.

Before you enter into a potentially life threatening surgery you are given an option if in the worst case scenario, you never wake up. 1. A musician or band will play music for you 2. A poet will read you poems 3. A storyteller will tell you a story 4. Hear ambient sounds of nature 5. A fatherly and motherly figure will speak to you. These will all happen in the last minutes before you die. Which will you choose?

Sounds of nature. To feel at one with everything, to feel at one with the earth as you’re dying.

Which movie, book, piece of music would you add to early childhood curriculum?

Kubo and Two strings because it teaches children at very young age that the concept of death doesn’t necessarily mean the end. Whether they live on in the mind of someone or as a spirit, your loved ones are still there.

An old mage offers you one of three amulets, the first will protect your brain against insanity, the second will protect your spine and nervous system against permanent damage and the third will keep any relationship you are in continuing until you take it off. Which do you choose?

The first one because I’ve never been a fantastic athlete. I’ve always had a good mind so I want to protect that.

Have you ever hated yourself more than the person you’ve hated the most?

Differently, but more strongly.

Do you ever question whether everything you experience is even real?

Yes, probably once a day.

If part of your requirement for payment from work was to stand on a crate in the CBD and give a 30 min sermon. What would the subject be?

Climate change.

What stops you from being political?

I am political, have you read my twitter? The knowledge that there are more intelligent people out there than me who should be taking up these issues.

Do you feel that people listen to you?

I feel that some people listen to me very closely and attentively and that others don’t.

Do you plan on being remembered by history?

I would like to be remembered by people. I don’t care if history remembers me.

How many people would have to attend your funeral for you to feel valued?

It’s not a numbers game. But, at least 5.

Has an inspirational video ever made you do something?

It’s never given me an idea but sometimes if I’m trying to work myself up to go for a run or write something I use an inspirational video to give me kick up the butt.

A part of your body decides to leave you after years of pain and suffering. Which part is it?

All my fat.

Out of the three which connects you back to who you are: a diary, a mirror or a memory?

A mirror.

What day of the year still makes you feel like you did as a child?

None. No day of the year.

Interview with a Monkey: Part 2

Do you hate Mondays?  

Not necessarily. No.

Do you know your Chinese astrology?

Shit. My partner told me. I forgot. I think I might be a snake.

Do you believe in astrology?


A local independent paper does an investigative article on the last time you went out partying. What is the title?

Local Man Interrupts Knitting circle.

One of your parents is hugging you, which one comes to mind first?

My Mum.

What product could you happily sell door to door?

Alexander Technique. That was the last thing that I was really interested in and that I’d like people to do. If I was a door-to-door salesperson it’d have to be something I was really passionate about. In theory I’d be a certified Alexander Technique salesperson. I’d convince people to let me into their house to practice on them.

Do you think that the Pope truly believes in god?

I’ve been thinking about that. I went to a religious school, so I met people who really do believe in god. When you’re the pope, do you get that powerful and then become really cynical? Or do you believe you’re really god’s mouthpiece? At least the middle management would believe. I suppose it’s possible that the pope does, I suppose it’s possible he doesn’t. Leaning more towards yes.

Is there a question you would never answer on national television?

I’m a pretty private person. There are a lot of questions I wouldn’t answer fully and there are a lot of questions I wouldn’t answer at all.

Who knows you the best?

My girlfriend.

Do they know you well enough?

Yes, but I’d say there is always more to know. Do I want her to know me better? Maybe I’ve thought some variation of that. The moments I’ve thought that she does know me well have been when I’m in a situation where I get to say what I really feel and she says what she really feels. I know that sometimes that’s on me. If I say “I wish she got me”, I know at least part of that is on me.

If there was a town with a population consisting entirely of clones of yourself, what sculpture/statue would you commission for the centerpiece of town?

The first thing that came to mind is James Jamerson. I have an obsession with this bass player. The second thing that came to mind is cheese and I also like whiskey. It’d be like James Jamerson with a bottle of whiskey and cheese.

If each of your regrets weighed a kilogram making up your total body weight, describe your body shape?

Pretty out of shape, pretty obese. I’d be a portly man.

Did you have a childhood fear?

As cliché as it is, I had a clown thing in my room that I was scared of. I was also scared of poison. I would hold my breath when I walked into the laundry or garage so as not breathe in the toxins. That was a big one.

Would you be able to console your childhood self of what he/she was most afraid of?

Yeah. I would say (to me) “I’m breathing, I’m ok. They’re in their bottles. It’s only when you drink them. If you touch them you can wash your hands and it won’t make you sick.” I would just try and be rational.

How do you feel about the idea of experiencing giving birth to yourself?

One of things I’m glad about is that I don’t have to give birth. I dodged that bullet. You asking me that question is kind of confronting me with that. It just seems unpleasant. Because I’m a guy, I’m glad that it’s 100% unlikely that that will happen.

Have any of your wishes ever come true?

Two come to mind. I really liked my girlfriend a lot before I was with her. I was really smitten. I really liked her for a long time but she had a boyfriend for a while and I still liked her. And then she stopped having a boyfriend and I went on a date with her. That was so cool that that actually happened.

If so,  how did it feel when it did?

It was really cool when she accepted my invitation to come out. It was one of those things that feels fantastic in the moment but also the joy of it is the times when you look back and go “that actually happened!”

How does it feel now?

It feels great. I’m glad there are things like valentine’s day and anniversaries where I have to sit down and reflect think “I’m glad this is happening, I’m glad you’re in my life and I appreciate you.” People really acclimatize to things quickly. I need time to process things so it took me awhile to process it, but that is counterbalanced by it being a good part of my life.

Do you trust your memory?

I ascribe to the research that memory is fallible. I trust them to a point but I know that they are fallible. I know people’s’ instinct is to believe they’re right and I’m biased to my memories. But if someone has evidence to the contrary I’ll concede.

Was there a better period of history to be you?

At the moment I’m down about where I am in life. If I could go back in time and crush it that would be a better period. But not necessarily. For me it’s tempting to think “if only I was back at uni and could do more with the time”, then I would be in a better position now. Where I’m at now is pretty good — all things considered.

Which piece of technology would you ban?

I don’t know what to say. I want to say something like cars. I don’t want to ban cars but I want to ban something that produces greenhouse gases. It’d be stupid to ban cars, so maybe I’d ban the combustion engine, something like that.

Would you make your parents lives more successful and fulfilling at the risk that they may never met each other?

The equation is: Do I give two people more fulfilment? They are happy with their lives. I like my life and my parents are good together and happy about many things in their lives. Not to be arrogant, but even the fact that I’m alive brings them happiness. On the other hand, I do feel some guilt that I’m not making them happy enough, so if I could just pull the plug and not exist. Would I? That’s tempting but my gut says no. Because they already have happiness in their life. They would probably grow acclimatised to their new life anyway, and I guess I deserve some happiness too.

Do you want the best that life can give you?

I would like to get more out of life. I have some ambition. Knowing what I know about the world, one person getting the best out of life is usually at the expense of thousands or millions of others. But what is the best out of life? Is it personal contentment? I guess for me to cut out some of philosophical waffle I like the game theory idea of ‘what’s best for the most people in the group is the best strategy for you’. My vision for “what’s best in life” is stamping out suffering and bringing all of humanity to a pretty good level where everyone is doing ok. For me that’s the best-case scenario. With all that in mind if that’s the best that life can give me is that humanity at whole is good and we are not killing the planet, then yes. I certainly want more out of life, and I guess I know the cost.

Do you know what your body is capable of?

No. I’d like to think I could push myself in moments of extreme stress and if I trained I’d get better at some things. I’m realistic in my limitations. I’m not going to be Usain Bolt, but I think my body is capable of more. Your mind can limit what you do.

Do you love someone else?


Do you love yourself?

Oh that’s hard. I’m working on it. At the moment I’m ok with myself. I’ve not loved myself in the past. I’ve hated myself. I’ve been asked that question before and burst out crying because the answer was no. I would like to love myself more, but at the moment, not enough.

If you have not loved yourself then how do you know what your love feels like for others?

I don’t know what my love feels like for other people. I don’t know what’s in other people’s head and heart.  I know how I show my love to other people, by being selfless and doing things for them. I know what love feels like and know what it feels like when I feel it for other people. I know that I’ve never really, or just hardly felt that for myself. Insomuch as a word can mean the same thing for different people there is enough commonality in language to agree upon a definition of love. I can extrapolate what my love might feel like for someone else. I could guess on what it feels like for someone else based on what it feels for like for myself.

Every object has a texture that is distinguishable, if you could describe the texture of the inside of your body, how would you describe it?

Squishy. I’m just thinking of my guts and stuff.

Do you respect nature?

I’d like to think I do. Knowing what I know about modern life I know the cost of my lifestyle. I could do more I try to pick up rubbish. I think nature is beautiful.  I love nature, I’m not some arch capitalist who wants to suck Mama nature dry. Pragmatically I don’t know how much I do for nature.

How important has nature been to the successes in your life?

It’s hard to give a direct correlation but indirectly the ways I’ve benefited from nature is going for a walk or being inspired. Getting out of my head and feeling love and connectedness. Which in turn has an impact on my general well being which goes towards my success. Which in time has a positive effect on my success but nothing as direct comes to mind. Food comes from nature. Makes me not die.

Have you ever planted a tree?

Maybe in school.

Have you ever eaten something you grew?

I don’t think so.

Have you ever seen a landfill site, a mine, a water treatment plant, a factory floor in person?

I don’t think so. I don’t think so. Probably? Not that I know of.

If the government legally changed your name into a number, how would you react?

I’d be outraged and scared. It would speak of bad things.

If you had to kill an emotion you experience, which emotion?

My gut answer is you feel emotions for a reason but that being said if hating myself is an emotion then I’d certainly be better off without that.

Do you think you are the more jealous of your friends or that one of your friends is more jealous of you than you are of anyone else?

I find it hard to imagine that any of my friends are more jealous of me than I am of anyone else.

You’re in a house, it scares you, there is a particular room with a closed door that gives you the heebie jeebies. What do you do?

I’d see what’s inside.

Someone attacks you? What do you do?

Instincts. Fight or flight. Fight back and get beaten up. I don’t know, I’m not a trained fighter so I can’t imagine it’d go too well. If I’m getting attacked instinct would kick in. I don’t know, I’d just fight back.

Are you afraid of death? Why? Why not?

I don’t know what I feel about death. On the one hand it doesn’t scare me that much —everyone dies. Once you’re dead, you’re dead. You don’t really feel anything after you’re dead. I’m scared of a painful death or an unfair death. Like my life being cut short. I’m more scared of wasting my life but the concept of being dead doesn’t scare me. It’s more of a solace at times.

Before you enter into a potentially life threatening surgery you are given an option if in the worst case scenario, you never wake up. 1. A musician or band will play music for you 2. A poet will read you poems 3. A storyteller will tell you a story 4. Hear ambient sounds of nature 5. A fatherly and motherly figure will speak to you. These will all happen in the last minutes before you die. Which will you choose?

I think the fatherly and motherly figure.

Which movie, book, piece of music would you add to early childhood curriculum?

I think a movie would be the most effective. Kids learn through stories. A story that would teach compassion, tolerance and love to love your fellow man. It’s a cliché but whatever. Knowing what’s happening in the world now, everyone hates each other. They don’t get that we’re all just people. We’re all just people, people! So maybe some powerful movie with that message. I can’t think of what’s the best one. Let’s just say the Boy in the striped pyjamas. It’ll make kids ask “why was that boy in prison? why did they hate them?” etc. M: The book or the movie? The book. Fuck it. Make them read!

An old mage offers you one of three amulets, the first will protect your brain against insanity, the second will protect your spine and nervous system against permanent damage and the third will keep any relationship you are in continuing until you take it off. Which do you choose?

Toughie. If I have to accept that your mind will go at some point or your body will go at some point, it’s like, which one would be scarier and which one would I be more at peace with.  I guess I’m more scared of having my body go first, because I’m young. So I choose the body amulet.

Have you ever hated yourself more than the person you’ve hated the most?

Yeah, probably. I hold grudges, but I don’t want to kill anyone. Yeah, I’ve never gone through with it, I’ve thought “you should fucking kill yourself” or “you might as well kill yourself”.

Do you ever question whether everything you experience is even real?

Not seriously. Not like the people who can stand up in front of a crowd and say “we’re living in a video game!” I know that reality is filtered through our brains. I believe reality is filtered through our brain, which is like an organ which, fuck knows how it works. I’m at least enough of a materialist to believe there is some baseline reality going on. You’re holding an iPhone, you didn’t invent the iPhone, someone made it and you’re holding it. There’s something. But I don’t believe all we see is all there is.

If part of your requirement for payment from work was to stand on a crate in the CBD and give a 30 min sermon. What would the subject be?

What would I want to change people’s minds of? Loving your neighbour? The “we’re all people, people!” thing. It’s tough to cover that in 30mins. I’d like to make some sort of rational argument. I’d like to have a solid argument on green energy or solar panel but that’s a big one people have already made their mind up on and I don’t have the knowledge to change minds in 30 minutes on it. Maybe I’d like to pick something small to do. I’d start small having my limits and knowing what I know. You know what’s cool actually? What I’ve heard recently that’s really exciting. I heard an interview recently with a comedian I like and one of his mantras in his relationship is ‘work towards peace’. If you’re saying something, think about why you’re saying it. Is it to be right? Is it so you can lord something over your partner? You should work towards peace. If I second guess myself, I’d say that’s impossible too. Maybe just getting people just to think about their life. I’d try and get people to think of a time in their life where they’ve taken a step back and looked at their life before they’ve made a choice. I’d get them to be back in that moment and that the next time they’re in an argument to take a step back into that place and then think work towards peace.

What stops you from being political?

That’s something I wish I was a bit more.  I wish I stood up for my beliefs. One reason is that I don’t think I know enough facts to engage in arguments or discussions. If I’m in an argument I don’t just want to go by feeling, I want to have some facts. For whatever reason whether I don’t have the time or the motivation I’m just really bad at remembering facts. AIso I feel that it’s so hard to change someone’s mind, you’re not going to do it by emotional arguments or name calling. You should only enter a debate with someone if that person is willing to change their mind in real time. If that person is set in what they believe, I’m not going to get into an argument. I believe in the limitation of some sorts of discussions. I want to have facts and I want to be well informed. If I’m talking to someone and it’s not confrontation, then I’d like to hear their point of view. The flipside of that is that I want people to like me, I don’t want to start shit, but that’s tied together. If I’m at a family dinner and someone says something I don’t agree with I sort of see the futility in getting into it. I’d rather not. I guess a part of me is scared of confrontation. Lazy maybe?

Do you feel that people listen to you?

I’d like to think that my friends do when I open my mouth. Some of my friends say that I don’t say much but when I open my mouth it’s gold. I kind of resent that, I’d like to think that I contribute to conversation as much as any other person but it’s part of my nature that I let people finish their sentences. Unlike some people. What that results in is that people say more sentences than me. I’d like to think among my friends, I can claim enough conversation space and people will listen.

Do you plan on being remembered by history?

It’s not a plan. I think I’m a bit late for that. I don’t have that ambition. I’m no Alexander Hamilton.

How many people would have to attend your funeral for you to feel valued?

I’d like there to be a solid turn out. In my mind I’d like there to be a bit of crowd but at the same time I’d like it to be people I care about and people who care about me. I guess it’s something I’m self-conscious of and want to work on, but my circle of friends feels small at the moment. I’m not thinking about it in terms of my funeral but in terms of my wedding. If I was to be married now, I don’t think I’d be able to invite many people. I don’t know how I feel about that. I don’t want to just invite seat fillers. My ego would like my wedding to be big. Maybe I’m selling myself short, but if it was just close friends though I don’t think there’d be many. But, this is about funerals so first and foremost I’d like people who I care about and connect with so I wouldn’t want it to be big for the sake of being big. That being said, I would like to increase the amount of such relationships in my life. I’d like there to be more. So assuming I’d die of old age there would be more people. Not people lining up around the block, but a bit of a crowd, a bit of a buzz going on. I’d say 60.

Has an inspirational video ever made you do something?

Yes, It was this blog post. It was some list thing, the 8 types of people and why they won’t exercise. There was one that pegged me so well that I just thought “well I’ve gotta exercise now”.  In the lis the type of person was called an ‘underpants gnome’. You know from South Park where it’s step 1. Collect underpants, step 2. ??? step 3. Profit.  The type of person that just collects all the information they can on exercise, without actually exercising.  Just looking for the perfect routine that is 100% optimised so you get the most out of the least effort so it’s magical. That was me at the time, I was just researching and researching. At the end it said start now, start small. Just do some push ups.

A part of your body decides to leave you after years of pain and suffering. Which part is it?

I was going to say my butt. Because I sit on it all the time, but it’s pretty well protected. I’m thinking maybe my ear drum. I have tinnitus in my right ear. But then I’d just have one ear. But yeah maybe my right ear drum. Second answer my bum.

Out of the three which connects you back to who you are, a diary, a mirror, a memory?

Probably memory.

What day of the year still makes you feel like you did as a child?

Birthday. You get toys and extra attention on you. That’s probably the most consistent tether to your childhood that you have throughout your life.

Interview with a Monkey: Part 1

Do you hate Mondays?

No, I like Mondays. Just because Mondays have been my personal Sunday. I’ve never worked Mondays. The weekend is people. The rest of the week is people. But Monday is my day to clean my room, buy some food or go to the gym. I like Mondays! Mondays are really great.

Do you know your Chinese astrology?

I’m a rooster. It’s my year!

Do you believe in astrology?

Not really in any strict way. But I love different ideas like Astrology. My mum is really into astrology and she would always do my chart and she did my partners chart. I get a lot out of that. But I’ve never been into it personally. But I enjoy things that feel cosmic. I enjoy being in tune with that kind of stuff. Even if I don’t fully understand it — I just flow in and out of it.

A local independent paper does an investigative article on the last time you went out partying. What is the title?

Girl with Nips Causes Ruckus.

One of your parents is hugging you, which one comes to mind first?

My Dad.

What product could you happily sell door to door?

Bonsai trees. Who wouldn’t want someone to try and give them a Bonsai? Especially ones with little swings inside them and stuff

Do you think that the Pope truly believes in god?


Is there a question you would never answer on national television?


Who knows you the best?

My partner. There are some contexts in which I would say someone else but holistically, my partner.

Do they know you well enough?

It’s a journey, so there is never an end point.

If there was a town with a population consisting entirely of clones of yourself, what sculpture/statue would you commission for the centrepiece of town?

A big bronze iridescent sun. I guess it’d be on a stick but I wouldn’t want it on a stick. Floating, with big curly rays coming out it, all different sizes.

If each of your regrets weighed a kilogram making up your total body weight, describe your body shape?

I don’t have any regrets. I’d just be a beautiful ethereal wind that just carries flowers.

Did you have a childhood fear?

I used to be afraid of being buried alive.

Would you be able to console your childhood self of what he/she was most afraid of?


How do you feel about the idea of experiencing giving birth to yourself?


Have any of your wishes ever come true?


If so then how did it feel when it did?

Entirely different to how the wish felt before. But I guess it was a wish. I think I’m still trying to accept that it brought me great joy. It’s hard to integrate joy when we’re used to negative emotions. When we reach a point in our lives where we are happy it’s hard to reflect and integrate that. So it doesn’t feel really real.

How does it feel now?

Just whelming now.

Do you trust your memory?

Depends what context. That’s a paradox. I really have a really acute memory but I also have a lot of inaccurate memories and blind spots. It’s a good one, for certain contexts. I trust it but just dependent on other stuff. Objectively, I don’t know.

Was there a better period of history to be you?

No. Definitely not.

Which piece of technology would you ban?

That’s so difficult. I feel that technology is one thing that is problematic in many different ways. But one thing to ban? Nuclear weapons!?

Would you make your parents lives more successful and fulfilling at the risk that they may never met each other?

If it’s forfeiting my own life. No.

Do you want the best that life can give you?

Yes. That’s totally subjective but yes.

Do you know what your body is capable of?

I think I’m getting there. I’m on the cusp. I have a small look into it.

Do you love someone else?


Do you love yourself?


How would you handle a diagnosis of clinical depression if you found out today?

I would handle it fine.

Is there somebody (dead or alive) that could convince you to destroy every physical thing you own?

No. Wait. Maybe? I could never say definitively no. Not everything I own, no.

Every object has a texture that is distinguishable, if you could describe the texture of the inside of your body, how would you describe it?

If I was a babushka on the inside? Warm and squishy. Glowing with texture. Like a warm pulsing hug of thick safety.

Do you respect nature?


How important has nature been to the successes in your life?

Very important.

Have you ever planted a tree?

Yes, I planted a tree with my brother’s placenta underneath it.

Have you ever eaten something you grew?


Have you ever seen a landfill site, a mine, a water treatment plant, a factory floor in person?

No. No. No. No.

If the government legally changed your name into a number, how would you react?

I don’t know that there would be a reaction that would be adequate. I don’t know? I’d probably be very still.

If you had to kill an emotion you experience, which emotion?


Do you think you are the more jealous of your friends or that one of your friends is more jealous of you than you are of anyone else?

I don’t feel much jealously, so I’d have to say the other one. But I don’t feel comfortable saying someone is jealous of me.

You’re in a house, it scares you, there is a particular room with a closed door that gives you the heebie jeebies. What do you do?

I would leave the house.

Someone attacks you, what do you do?

That depends on the context. If I was in a position to fight back, I would fight back. If I knew I wasn’t in a position to fight back, I would question why they were attacking me. If I was in a situation where I knew that’s it I would die, get raped or stabbed I would try and make that as least traumatic as possible.

Are you afraid of death? Why? Why not?

That used to be one of my biggest fears. That’s recently shifting. I think that will resurface. Right now, I’m the least afraid I’ve ever been. But I know that will come back when I have children. It was an old fear that I used to think about more, but I’ve been working on making peace with death. Because death is an equally beautiful part of life. That’s where I want to be with it. I’m not afraid of death pressingly, I think I’ve made the most peace with life now. So if I’d died it’d be the best time so far. But I don’t want to die. I’m not really scared of it, but I’m not at the point with it that I want to be. I think the whole culture we have around death is fucked.

Before you enter into potentially life threatening surgery you are given an option if in the worst case scenario, you never wake up. 1. A musician or band will play music for you 2. A poet will read you poems 3. A storyteller will tell you a story 4. You hear ambient sounds of nature 5. A fatherly and motherly figure will speak to you. These will all happen in the last minutes before you die. Which will you choose?

I think nature. Because I feel like if I was only having those few moments before I was going to die, I wouldn’t want to crowd it. I would want to have that time to just exhale and be like OK, I’m done, I’m going to die. I would need that moment for myself.

Which movie, book, piece of music would you add to early childhood curriculum?

Can it be something that you don’t know exists? Some kind of simplistic, children-geared book that explains gender and emotions in a really normalizing and simple way to give them a bedrock when they come into school. There might be one.

An old mage offers you one of three amulets, the first will protect your brain against insanity, the second will protect your spine and nervous system against permanent damage and the third will keep any relationship you are in continuing until you take it off. Which do you choose?

I think my body is the most important thing. Everything is always in flux. That is where I live, and I’m already insane.

Have you ever hated yourself more than the person you’ve hated the most?

That’s difficult. Maybe? No, not more. Because it’s between me and my mum. Because me at my most hateful, it is hard to distinguish. Wait. No, I hate people like Donald Trump way more than my Mum. But I mean nothing can touch you that close [relationship with family comparatively].

Do you ever question whether everything you experience is even real?

Real in what context? I’ve questioned whether the things I experience are real. Currently? Yeah, yeah. There are so many contexts to this. Is this real? Are you real? [it is statistically unlikely that the interviewer is real]

If part of your requirement for payment from work was to stand on a crate in the CBD and give a 30 min sermon. What would the subject be?

Feminism. I’m trying to think of something more pinpoint than that. It’d probably be feminism.

What stops you from being political?

My own emotional preservation. Preemptive exhaustion. Fear. Also kind of displacement from feeling a valid body to speak on certain things. Which is kind of becoming different now.

Do you feel that people listen to you?

Some people maybe? I don’t know if they would listen to me or just hear me talk. I question whether I am comfortable acknowledging whether someone is listening to me or not. I feel unsure whether to boast that to you. My immediate thing is, yeah people listen to me.

Do you plan on being remembered by history?

No. By history? I don’t plan on that.

How many people would have to attend your funeral for you to feel valued?

I’d probably want a party, not a funeral. You can value someone or honour them in death without having to turn up to some kind of agenda. But if I’m looking down? If no one came I wouldn’t feel valued. Probably just a small group of people. It’s weird putting a number on it. But, like 10 people?

Has an inspirational video ever made you do something?

Yes. Definitely it would have at some point.

A part of your body decides to leave you after years of pain and suffering. Which part is it?

My gut.

Out of the three which connects you back to who you are: a diary, a mirror or a memory?

Diary. Big on diaries.

What day of the year still makes you feel like you did as a child?

I don’t know? If I think about memories connected to days that I can feel like a child again. But I don’t know if there are any days, on their own, that intuitively brings that reaction. In contexts, Christmas and Birthdays, but not just as is. And also all days? Can I say all and none? All and none.