
No Beginning, No Ending: There is no objective ‘end point’ within reality. It is only though language that we are able to dissect our existence into discrete points. The process of dividing existence, is fundamentally isolating.

Throw: A personal investigation into the results and impacts of random, conscious acts of choice.

The World is Waiting: An examination into our obsession with dream like realities that are scapegoats for our personal deficiencies and wounds.

The Limitations of a Canine: How our personal definition of personality limits our understanding of potential growth, change and self-love.

Why I’d Choose Poison Over Marshmallows: The ability to delay gratification dictates certain life outcomes, however this process is far more complex than presented by current analysis.

Interview with a Monkey (1,2,3,4,5): An anonymous interview series that seeks to stimulate a state of contemplation through unique questions.

Devour Yourself. Eat Yourself: Suffering is typically externalised so that it can be solved without personal responsibility. This habit should be sought internally and destroyed.

Who are the Zombies?: A short story set in a post-apocalyptic Sydney. Zombies chase the living. The living are exhausted by the purposelessness of constant running and loss.

Homogeneous: Information rarely leads to action. This is because within the receiver, the information is blocked. This creates tension. Marketing is a tool that aims to evade these information blocks.

You, Me and IKEA <3: IKEA and companies like it, offer us token opportunities to express creativity and ownership of product creation. Thus we outsource our true desire to create and engage in a world where we feel that we don’t have the time for it.

Are All People Who Drink Coffee Jerks? That and Other Judgements: Our judgements are defined by our ability to bundle negativity under umbrella terms. The way to overcome this is perhaps solved through familiarity and clemency.

How Long is a Moment?: This post explores how long a moment lasts. Not specifically in time, but in breadth of reality.

Fake News? More Important, Fake Dreams!: Dreams/goals are positive and encouraged. This post explores how polluted the journey of achieving a dream has become.

The Art of Fuck You:  Perhaps a dated idea. Where do we draw the line on being dehumanised?

Beyond Competition ‘Qualia and Me’ Part 1: This was to be a sponsored post for nootropic company Neurohacker Collective. The plan was to test the philosophical impacts of nootropic use. Needless to say the product is actually illegal in Australia and the project ended here.

Monkey Mind – Krimsone: Artist Krimsone creates a commissioned piece for Magogy.

Nostalgia, a Reflection: Nostalgia is pervasive and ever present. A personal analysis of nostalgia’s impact on my life.

Drowning in Acts of Virtue: Nietzsche spoke about how a virtue demands our entire attention. Thus having multiple virtues will always end with conflict. This post explores the value in pivoting away from obsession with virtue.

The Phantom Itch: Life is lived at a rhythm. Because we rarely stop in our modern lives, we can experience a form of psychological inertia whenever we relax. This experience has been named the phantom itch.

Mind, Body, Earth: A call for more gratitude towards our natural environment. Exploring how we have disconnected the environment from our individuality, this post tries to bridge that gap by starting small.

Becoming an Adult: In Australian society, adults seem to be defined by their fears. This post questions whether our rite of passage to adulthood is to submit to our fears and begin to react to them as a way to live.

Power is an Emotion: Power is typically defined as a tool to achieve goals. However, I argue that power is not just a tool, but a full fledged emotion. With this definition comes the realisation that power is as overwhelming and evocative as emotions such as jealously or fear.

Self-Censorship: We censor our reality on multiple levels. Whole parts of our existence are skipped through. This is an investigation into the implications of self-censorship.

Disappointment: The more we get to know someone, the better our ability to predict and emulate their behaviors. In the process of predicting their behavior, we open ourselves to disappointment.

Tension: There is a constant internal conflict. The content is largely irrelevant. The feeling that arises between these two points is tension. Tension is the last wild and untameable feeling.